Our energy management solutions involve energy audits, feasibility studies for applying efficient technologies, specification of equipment or processes, evaluation of energy conservation measures based on cost, savings, and payback, contractor supervision, and performance verification. Though we are located in NH and service Southern NH and Maine, we are available to travel anywhere on request.
Do I Need an Energy Audit?
Many clients ask us what an energy audit entails, and whether or not they should get one for their business. Energy audits are especially important because we pay higher electric rates than the rest of the country.
For instance, NH residents pay roughly $.16 per kilowatt hour, and Maine residents pay closer to $.12 per kilowatt hour, while the national average is closer to $.10 per kilowatt hour. Therefore, you can see how important it is for Maine and NH residents and businesses to have energy audits performed.
What's involved with an energy audit?
Third party technical review to verify building’s heating, ventilating, cooling systems or process controls are effectively working and operating efficiently.
Verification of equipment and system operation. Examine setback and reset strategies. Avoid having heating and cooling systems simultaneous operation unless system is intended for that purpose.
Check equipment schedules, programming, setpoints, sensors, output devices and operation. Reduce heating or cooling costs.
Check domestic hot water system operation, maintenance, costs and efficiency.
Review potable water and sewer systems operation, cost, and effectiveness.
Review whether variable frequency drives (VFDs) are utilized to control motors effectively and thatEnergy Management and Audit Maine and NH they are setup properly. Can specify and provide program settings for drives, including old drives or new drives for electricians to install. Can complete an Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) based on motor operation to determine if it makes sense to install a VFD and that the cost payback is within a reasonable time frame, which saves on energy costs.
Check motor condition, operating profile, controls, and efficiency. Determine if an ECM is worthwhile based on motor efficiency, hours of operation and speed needed during operation, which reduces electrical costs.
Evaluate electrical bills to uncover and ultimately control demand and ratchet costs. We work with you to understand operations, with the goal of reducing electrical costs.
Evaluate building outer envelope. Identify ECMs that would reduce operating and maintenance costs.
Solve building or process operational or maintenance problems to reduce operations and maintenance costs, which will increase building comfort.
Evaluate lighting levels, types, fixture efficiencies, fixture placement, and whether these match needs and is efficient.
Review building automation system (BAS) programming and operator interface to ensure the system is functioning, integrated, controlled, and easy to understand and operate.
Review building temperature and humidity controls. Examine seasonal affects and report/recommend changes to increase efficiency and comfort.
Provide a report that prioritizes ECMs based on cost/savings/payback, energy saved, and emissions reduced. Additionally, note what incentives or rebates apply.
Energy Management Services
Our energy management solutions involve energy audits, feasibility studies of applying efficient technologies, specification of equipment or processes, evaluation of energy conservation measures based on cost, savings, and payback, contractor supervision, and performance verification. Though we are located in NH and service Southern NH and Maine, we are available to travel anywhere on request.
The reason energy management is so popular is due to the results of the evaluation, planning, and implementation process. Clients save time, improve operations reliability, save money, increase profits, reduce effort, gain recognition by increasing efficiency, improved indoor environment, and improve satisfaction with business operations.
Environmentally controlled wine conditioning vault
Types of Energy Management Services That We Offer:
Strategic Planning
Energy Audits, Plans and Consulting
Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs)
Boilers & Fired Systems
Steam & Condensate Systems
Cogeneration & Tri-generation
Waste-Heat Recovery
Building Envelope
HVAC Systems
Electrical Supply, Rates Structure, Equipment & Efficiency
Indoor Air Quality
Gas Supply Rates, Usage, Equipment & Efficiency
Control Systems
Alternative Technologies
Codes, Standards, Legislation and Rebates